What Is a Civil Litigation Attorney, and Why Do You Need One?

In New Jersey, the importance of a civil litigation attorney cannot go understated. A great attorney is the difference between a strong case and a weak case, which, in civil litigation, is more important than ever. A strong case and an experienced attorney can save you money, and prevent injustice from occurring.

At the Law Office of Nicole T. Little we don’t just specialize in civil litigation — our speciality is compassion, experience, and understanding your case. If you’re in need of civil litigation services in the state of New Jersey, it’s important to get in touch with us right away, so we can delve deeper into your case and help you defend yourself in court, or receive the compensation you’re due.

someone discussing matters with a lawyer with a gavel on the desk

What is a Civil Litigation Attorney?

A civil litigation attorney is an attorney who specializes in civil litigation, which is the process of resolving disputes between two or more parties without resorting to criminal proceedings. This type of attorney may represent either the plaintiff or the defendant in a lawsuit, and their primary job is to advocate for their client’s best interests in a court of law.

lawyer working on real estate law

Civil Attorneys Prevent Criminal Proceedings

At our law office, we’re highly-skilled in understanding civil litigation cases, including commercial litigation, employment, education, real estate, landlord/tenant, family, and immigration cases, as well as other tort claims. These are all matters that will require legal restitution, but will not necessarily become criminal cases.

man discussing something with a lawyer

We Can Help You Navigate Difficult Cases

Because the law is immeasurably complex, civil litigation lawyers are important for helping their clients navigate difficult or confusing legal claims. Our law office has the skills necessary to help work through even the most complex legal issues. Additionally, an attorney can help ensure that the rights of both parties are being respected and honored, and can provide additional guidance to help ensure that the dispute is resolved in a timely and equitable manner.

woman being sworn in under oath in court

Attorneys Will Help Protect Your Interests In Court

Using a civil litigation attorney can be beneficial in many ways. An attorney can provide advice, counsel, and representation in order to ensure that the rights of both parties are respected, and that any disputes are resolved in a timely and equitable manner. Additionally, an attorney can help protect the interests of their client and ensure that any potential legal issues are addressed in a way that is beneficial to their client.

If you’re facing civil litigation, you no doubt have many questions — either about your case, or your attorney. That’s why we’re standing by to help answer your questions and assist you through your legal journey. With law experience that matters, and compassion that makes all the difference, there’s never a bad time to get your free consultation.

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