What Is Considered a Civil Lawsuit?

Civil lawsuits are legal disputes that arise between individuals or organizations over matters related to their rights, obligations, or interests. They differ from criminal lawsuits, which involve charges brought by the government against individuals or organizations for violating laws that govern public safety and welfare.

At the Law Office of Nicole T. Little, you can depend on our experienced attorneys to handle your civil lawsuit case, and we offer personalized services you can’t find elsewhere. Contact us today!

people signing paperwork

Legal Issues

Civil lawsuits can cover a wide range of legal issues, including breach of contract, property disputes, personal injury claims, and employment discrimination. They can also involve disputes over intellectual property rights, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

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Primary Characteristics

One of the primary characteristics of civil lawsuits is that they are typically initiated by one party, known as the plaintiff, against another party, known as the defendant. The plaintiff is usually seeking a remedy or compensation for some harm or injury that they claim the defendant has caused them.

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Where Can Civil Lawsuits Be Filed?

Civil lawsuits can be filed in various courts, depending on the amount of money at stake and the type of dispute involved. Small claims courts are designed to handle disputes involving small amounts of money, usually less than $10,000.

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Complex Cases

For more complex cases, such as those involving large sums of money or complicated legal issues, civil lawsuits may be filed in state or federal courts. These cases typically require the assistance of a lawyer, who can help the plaintiff navigate the complex legal system and present their case in the most favorable light possible. Contact our team today!

At the Law Office of Nicole T. Little, our civil litigation attorneys are ready to represent you or your business, and we want you to get the best possible outcome. Schedule a free consultation today!

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